There are no records of God ever intervening in crises and he never will. A real loving father would not drown most of his children in a flood or shake millions to death in an earthquake would he?
Instead he is a psychological projection of idealized fatherhood, a 'rescuer' patterned on a universal family childhood experience, a hope, a comfort blanket for the desperate... but not a concrete reality.
He only ever exists in people's imagination.
The Bible was made not by a divine hand but it is drawn from the culling of near eastern literature, notably from Egypt, Persia and Babylon, which were the political masters of Israel. Its application was re-written to feed the emotional and nationalistic needs of the benighted peasants of the highlands of Canaan. It incorporates its neighbour's wood and stone idols such as the god Yahweh the son of El. Most of the Bible is borrowed from other sources, it is rarely original. it often espouses the very worst aspects humanity and of political enforcement, male chauvinism, turbo-charged religious chauvinism, homophobia, genocide and mega-death.
The Bible is a nasty piece of literature to base your life on.